As an entrepreneur, in business, everyone understands that the primary goal is to generate revenue and profit. So, has any business ever asked itself: Why are there web design companies that charge hundreds of millions, while some charge only a few hundred thousand? I would like to point out that if you pay close attention, you will notice that cheap web design companies tend to proliferate, and they have a simplistic belief that all they need to do is find open-source code readily available online and some similar templates, and they can start a web design company. When they meet these criteria (usually, anyone can do it, even individuals), they establish a low-cost web design company and start competing by undercutting prices. After a period of operation, these types of companies usually disappear faster than they appear, leaving customers with the following consequences:
- The domain name they registered for customers is not maintained (This is extremely dangerous).
- When customers forget their passwords or need upgrades, they don’t know whom to turn to because the web design company has dissolved.
- It damages the business’s brand because these cheap websites are often designed haphazardly, and with prices ranging from 500,000 to 5,000,000 VND (Vietnamese Dong), it’s impossible to design a quality website.
- Such websites are often difficult to promote online because even updating information is challenging, let alone making changes to the web code for promotional activities.
- The source code used to design cheap websites is often messy and cumbersome. Of course, when a website only has a few visitors, no one notices this. But if the website grows and has high traffic (several dozen people at the same time), it will run extremely slowly, making customers not want to visit anymore (the consequences of this are well-known to all businesses).
- Cheap websites often share similar templates, and their interfaces look the same, as designing interfaces for these websites is not simple.
And there are many more reasons that we can’t cover in this article. We leave it to customers to discover these reasons for themselves.
The nature of cheap websites is not bad, but they should only be used to build temporary websites or websites serving the immediate needs of businesses. They should not be used to design a business’s homepage. We advise you to think carefully before using web design services because if you don’t invest properly from the beginning, your business will spend a lot of time and money on completely redesigning your website later on.